Pellervo is a part of the global cooperative community
Cooperation is a global movement with around one billion members. Throughout the whole world cooperative businesses share the same values and principles.
Pellervo has been actively involved in the international cooperative community since its inception.
ICA (Brussels)
International Co-operative Alliance
- Founded in 1895
- Pellervo member since 1902
- Other member from Finland is SOK Corporation
- Apex organisation for cooperatives worldwide
- President Ariel Guarco, Secretary General Bruno Roelants
- Represents 284 cooperative federations and organisations across 95 countries
- Four Regional Offices: Europe, Africa, Americas and Asia-Pacific
- Eight Sectoral Organisations: Banking, Agriculture, Fisheries, Insurance, Health, Housing, Consumer Co-operatives and Worker Co-operatives.
- Every year a General Assembly and a cooperative conference for members
- Marjaana Saarikoski (SOK) represents the Finnish cooperative movement in the ICA Board
- www.ica.coop »
Cooperatives Europe (Brussels)
- Regional office of the ICA
- Founded in 2006
- 84 member organisations from 33 European countries
- President Susanne Westhausen, Secretary General Agnes Mathis
- Board member Anu Puusa represents the Finnish cooperative movement in the Cooperatives Europe Board
- www.cooperativeseurope.coop
COGECA (Brussels)
Comité Général de la Coopération Agricole de l’Union Européenne
= General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives in the European Union
- Founded in 1959
- Pellervo member since 1995 (observer from 1992)
- President Ramón Armengol, Secretary General Pekka Pesonen
- Represents the general and specific interests of some 40 000 farmers’ cooperatives
- COGECA and COPA (Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations) work together and have a joint office and a secretariat.
- Vice President Tiina Linnainmaa is the second Vice President of Cogeca Presidency
- www.copa-cogeca.be
Office of Finnish Agriculture and Cooperatives (Brussels)
Rue de Trèves 61 (Brussels)
- Since 1991
- Pellervo, MTK (the Finnish Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners’) and SLC (MTK’S Swedish-speaking sister organisation) have a joint office in Brussels
- Staff include a director, EU dairy and livestock advisor, an assistant, a newspaper correspondent and a forest co-ordinator (representative of Nordic family forestry)
- Task of the Brussels office is to supervise the interests of Finnish farmers, forest owners and rural entrepreneurs in the European Union.
- Active participation in Copa-Cogeca, the EU organisation for agricultural producers and co-operatives, and regular contacts with the various EU institutions and other key bodies in Brussels form an important part of the office's activities.
Hanna Leiponen-Syyrakki
Tel. +358 (0) 400 947 633
EU dairy and livestock advisor and cooperative matters
Rauli-Jan Albert
= MTK:n ja Pellervon Brysselin toimisto »
FFD (Helsinki)
Food and Forest Development Finland
- Founded in 2012 by Pellervo, MTK (the Finnish Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners’), SLC (MTK’S Swedish-speaking sister organisation) and ProAgria.
- Support agricultural and forestry producers in developing countries, especially in tackling problems of food security and ensuring future food production in a sustainable manner.
- All projects are a part of the Agricord-networks Farmers Fighting Poverty-programme.
- The recipients of offered support can be local agricultural producer organisations, forest owners’ organisations or co-operatives.
- Projects are mainly concentrated in developing countries with long term bilateral development cooperation ties with Finland.
- Most of the project funding comes from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland's fund reserved for NGO's
- www.ffd.fi
Nordiska Bondeorganisationers Centralråd
= Confederation for Nordic farmers’ organisations
- Founded in 1934
- Five member countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.
- Circulating secretariat
- Other members from Finland are MTK and SLC.
- Organises seminars and meetings once a year.
Other members are:
Sweden: Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund, Lrf. www.lrf.se
Denmark: Landbrug & Fødevarer. http://www.dansklandbrug.dk
Norway: Norsk Landbrukssamvirke. http://www.landbruk.no
Norway Bondelag. http://www.bondelaget.no
Iceland: Baendasamtök Islands : www.bondi.is