Organisation and members of Pellervo Coop Center


Pellervo has over 250 cooperatives and other organisations as its members. Nearly all agricultural cooperatives in Finland are members. However, more than half of the members are cooperative banks.

Member groups shortly:

Consumer cooperative: S Group

S Group is a Finnish network of cooperative companies operating in the retail and service sectors. It has more than 2 million members. S Group consists of twenty independent regional retail cooperatives and SOK Corporation, which is owned by the cooperatives, and its subsidiaries. In addition, S Group includes seven local cooperatives. The network of cooperatives extends throughout Finland, and the regional aspect is highlighted in the operations of the cooperatives. It has more than 1,600 outlets in Finland.

Cooperative dairies and Valio

Valio Ltd is a milk-processing enterprise and is owned by 9 cooperative dairies. It markets members' dairy products in both domestic and foreign markets. Valio Ltd´s brands are known in approximately 60 countries.

In addition, a number of dairies are part of the Nordic Arla Foods. These dairies cooperate internally as well as with Valio. In addition to those dairies there are a number of independent dairies which are also members of Pellervo Coop Center.

Investor cooperative: Tradeka

Co-operative Tradeka is an investor co-operative that serves approximately 225 000 members. The Co-operative Tradeka is a management co-operative, which is the owner of Tradeka Group Ltd (98%) and Tradeka-services Ltd (100%) (responsible for the membership benefits of the Co-operative). Tradeka Ltd is the sole owner of Restel Oy (involved in the restaurant business) and Tradeka-invest Ltd (involved in investment activities). Restel does business in more than 200 restaurants all over Finland.

Meat Cooperatives: Lihakunta, Itikka Cooperative, Pohjanmaan Liha and LSO Cooperative

There are two big slaughterhouses in Finland: HKScan Ltd and Atria Ltd . These two plc:s are partly owned, but completely governed by primary meat cooperatives. This hybrid structure was formed in the 1990’s when the sector needed financing for restructuring.

The marketing and processing company HKScan is owned and governed by meat cooperative LSO Osuuskunta with some 1000 members.

The cooperatives Itikka (1300 members), Lihakunta (2500 members) and Pohjanmaan Liha (300 members) are majority shareholders in Atria. Atria is the market leader in meat processing in Finland.

Animal Breeding: Faba Cooperative

Faba is a co-op and the trademark for animal breeding and artificial insemination in Finland. Faba has about 16 000 members.
Faba´s main service-products are breeding advising, breeding plans at herd level, animal and embryo trade, artificial insemination, fertility and embryo transfer services, herdbooking.

Faba cooperates with Viking Genetics, the joint Nordic artificial insemination centre and breeding society. It is owned by Swedish, Danish and Finnish breeding associations.

Egg cooperative: Munakunta

The egg producers’ Munakunta is a nationwide cooperative involved in transporting, packaging and marketing of eggs. It has around 100 members.  All business activities of Munakunta are in a company called Dava Foods Finland. Ownership between DAVA Foods A/S and Munakunta cooperative is 50/50%.

Eggs are protected from import because Finland is salmonella free.

Forest cooperative: Metsä Group

Metsäliitto Cooperative is the parent company of Metsä Group and is owned by approximately 125 000 Finnish forest owners. The cooperative buys timber from its members for the production plants. Metsä Group is one of the biggest forest industry enterprises in Europe and one of Europe’s largest producer cooperatives as well. Metsä Group operates in some 30 countries.

Cooperative banking: OP Financial Group and POP Bank

OP Financial Group is a cooperative financial services group formed by 143 independent cooperative banks and the Group's central cooperative with its subsidiaries and affiliates operating under the principle of joint and several liability. OP Financial Group has three main business segments: Banking, Non-life Insurance and Wealth Management.

POP Bank Group consists of 26 local banks and Bonum Pankki Ltd. The group was founded in 1997.

Mutual insurance

LocalTapiola Group insurance and financial company operate on the basis of mutuality. LocalTapiola launched operations officially in 2013. In addition to LocalTapiola General and the regional companies, the Group comprises of LocalTapiola Life, LocalTapiola Asset Management and LocalTapiola Real Estate Asset Management. Banking services to LocalTapiola's customers is provided by S-Pankki. LocalTapiola owns 23.5 per cent of S-Pankki.

LocalTapiola's network of regional companies consists of 20 regional mutual insurance. LocalTapiola employs approximately 3,400 people, half of whom work in the regional companies. The number of owner-customers is nearly 1.6 million.

Worker cooperative: Lilith

Lilith Cooperative was founded in 1997 by musicians and cultural producers. Today Lilith is Finland’s biggest cooperative of its kind. They have more than 400 members across Finland with a turnover of 3 milloin euros. Lilith members work widely throughout the creative fields – visual communication, arts, cultural production and development, and wellbeing. Lilith is also a production house and a publisher, with many of Finland’s top artists on board.

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