Tämä on neljäs testiartikkeli

ESR+ -rahoitteinen koordinaatiohanke kokoaa yhteiskunnallisen yrittäjyyden ja yhteisötalouden liiketoimintaosaamisen parantamisen...
Platform economy revolutionizes business. An enormous amount of value is...
Six out of ten (60 %) Finns have a positive or very positive attitude towards cooperation. This emerges from a survey conducted by Pellervo Coop Center (www.pellervo.fi). The corresponding figure ten years ago was 47 %. The attitude was most positive in the capital area of Helsinki, where the change was most remarkable compared to the situation ten years ago. The best known cooperatives in Finland are S Group (consumer cooperative), OP Group (cooperative bank), Valio (dairy), LähiTapiola (mutual insurance company), POP Bank and Metsä Group (forest cooperative).
Dear seminar attendees Welcome to the most cooperative country in...