Starting a Cooperative in Finland -webinar


When: 25.3.2021 13:00-14:00

Where: online

Are you interested in a co-operative as a form of business? Welcome to this free webinar to learn more and discuss with experts.

In the webinar Ulla Leppänen from Tampere Region Coop Center will give a keynote of the day’s subject. Webinar is hosted by Kari Huhtala from Pellervo Coop Center.


  • what is a co-operative?
  • comparison of different forms of business in Finland
  • why choose co-operative as a form of business?
  • key principles of a co-operative as a form of business in Finland?

Register to webinar here. We will send partiticipation instructions before the webinar to all registered attendees.

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Pellervon Päivä 2025

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