Centennial Event of the International Cooperative Banking Association


The centennial event will be organized between 17 and 19 November 2022 at Manos Conference & Business Center in Brussels – Belgium –  and online.

17 November 2022 | Thought-leaders’ Symposium

A unique event positioned as a platform for researchers and academics to share their ongoing work and future ideas concerning cooperative financial institutions. The objective of this symposium is to initiate a dialogue on the need for a global platform for thought leaders to advance knowledge, analyses and action concerning Cooperative Financial Institutions.

18 November 2022 | Centennial Event

This will officially mark the centennial and the session will be dedicated to from leadership, regions and sectors, the role of CFIs today and the contribution they can make towards sustainable development of communities.

Registration is free



Cooperative Financial Institutions (CFIs) have withstood many a crisis, particularly in the aftermath of the 2008 global recession and the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. The ILO publication entitled Resilience in a Downturn: The Power of financial cooperatives authored by Johnston Birchall proved crucial in putting cooperatives back in the policy agenda at the global level. CFIs unique method of doing banking and financial business which aims to translate the ICA Statement on the Cooperative Identity in serving members’ and communities’ needs and aspirations.

100 years after the idea of an international cooperative bank were sown at the ICA, the Members and leadership of the International Cooperative Bank Association (ICBA) are convening the Centennial Event on the theme “The People Centeredness of Cooperative Financial Institutions” to re-affirm their belief in the cooperative identity and the resolve of cooperatives to Build a Better World.

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