World Cooperative Monitor -julkaisuwebinaari

 World Cooperative Monitor 12th Edition Launch
25.1.2024 15.00-16.30 (Finnish time)

Since 2012, the World Cooperative Monitor (WCM), produced by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) with the scientific and technical support of the European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (Euricse), makes a significant contribution – through economic data collection and thematic analysis – to demonstrating the capacity of cooperative and mutual enterprises to thrive and impact their communities.

This year’s report provides the annual rankings of the Top 300 largest cooperative and mutual enterprises and the rankings by sector. It also contains a focus on benefits to members and the way they communicate their cooperative identity and advantage. The thematic chapter was developed in collaboration with the International Cooperative Entrepreneurship Think Tank (ICETT) and is the start to a deeper look the group will take into the benefits of membership.

Join us on 25 January for the official launch of the 12th edition!

Register here.


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Pellervon Päivä 2025

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