CECOP event: Cooperatives Care! – The conference


CECOP invites you to save the date for the conference: ”Cooperatives Care! How to empower cooperatives as frontrunners of innovation in the care sector?” 

On 7 September 2022, we expect the European Commission to  publish the European Care Strategy – a major policy initiative at a time when the care sector in Europe struggles with a number of challenges aggravated by the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

On this occasion, CECOP’s conference will show how cooperatives across Europe already provide novel solutions for better care to millions of Europeans. Cooperatives are driven by the needs of their workers and their communities; they spearhead innovation in care provision, technological and digital innovation, and meet the needs of the carers.  At the conference, we will also discuss how cooperatives can be best supported in the implementation of the Strategy. 

Join us for an exchange with cooperatives from the CECOP’s wide network, EU institutions and other European stakeholders!

 Time and date:  Tuesday, November 15, 2022, from 12:30-17:00 (13.30-18.00 Suomen aikaa)

Place: Brussels, at the Residence Palace (room Maelbeek) and online. 

Detailed program, and more information to follow. 

Interpretation will be provided in English, Spanish, and Italian.  

Event link will be sent a few days before the event to those who register to attend online. 

In the meantime, read here the Cooperatives Care! report.


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