Cooperatives Europe event: Young people and the future of cooperation in Europe


Cwmpas and Cooperatives Europe present conference on Young people & the future of cooperation in Europe.

On 21 and 22 November Cwmpas and Cooperatives Europe, supported by Cardiff Council, will welcome cooperators from across Europe for a conference where we will explore young people’s role in the cooperative movement.

The event will bring together experienced cooperators from across the continent with a network of young people ready to take cooperatives into the future.

  • Keynote speakers – High-quality speakers from across Europe will inspire you, challenge you and create a buzz. We’ll also have a platform for Wales-based cooperatives with success stories to share.
  • Discussion and debate – Our panel sessions are an opportunity to discuss youth entrepreneurship and the future of cooperation – engaging, interactive, challenging, and maybe even contentious!
  • Exhibition and networking – Our space for networking will be where conversations happen, new contacts get made, and business relationships are formed. Catch up with colleagues you haven’t seen for a while and make new connections with fellow cooperators.

We highly recommend subscribing to the event updates here. More information will follow soon for registrations, speakers, and more.

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